Accessibility in Visual Media

How do we make our media accessible to everyone?

Did you know that over 1 billion people in the world have a documented disability?

Even though this is a vast minority, not all media is designed with accessibility in mind. Accessible content can reach a much wider audience without excluding anyone, making both the consumer and the creator happier. As a college student, many of my classes did not mention how to make media accessible, even though it should be standard practice. For my senior thesis project at The College of New Jersey, I decided to continue researching how to make my media accessible to as many people as possible. I created AVM to share my findings and educate my peers on how to improve their media. Accessibility in Visual Media, or AVM, is a project aimed to teach rising multimedia artists how to make their media accessible. With even the slightest changes, we can make our media a better experience for everyone!

Accessibility is not always taught in creative classes, even though it is an integral part of designing visual media.

 About Jennifer Ahmad

My name is Jennifer Ahmad and I am an interactive storyteller and creator with a passion for animation and video. I have had a wide range of multimedia experiences through different internships around the country, including Pearson, Princeton Partners, Activity Works, and On Second Thought Furniture. Currently, I am a part-time Student Manager and College Ambassador at The College of New Jersey.

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