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V.I.E.W.S. is a thesis project centered on visualizing using monthly labor data to communicate employment losses in state workforces during the national lockdown. The project was built in a web-based format using Boostrap5, CSS, and Tableau. V.I.E.W.S. stands for Visualization of the Impact on Employment for Workers by State.


Much of the data and research we have on the lockdown was gathered during its early stages and is not fully representative of the modern workforce. To address this, V.I.E.W.S. uses recent data from government sources to better represent the post-lockdown workforce. Not only will this project provide average workers with insights into which jobs are in-demand. The insights can be used by business leaders and policy makers to understand the overall shape of the new post-lockdown workforce.

About the Creator

Alexander Cocco is a graduating senior from The College of New Jersey and is now starting his career in data analytics. He is proficient in RStudio, SPSS, SQL, Microsoft Excel, Visual Studio Code, Tableau, and many other programs and applications. His primary goal is to use his diverse skill set and curious mind to better understand the human world, and help to improve it for everyone regardless of ethnicity, creed, or gender. When he is not working Alex spends his time playing action adventure games such as Dark Souls and Blasphemous or listening to classical music. If you have any questions for Alex please feel free to contact him through his email address or through LinkedIn.

Images licensed from Adobe Stock. Created by Szymon Bartosz, Drobot Dean, Dorde, insta_photos, Andreas Karelias, Yakobchuk Olena, zinkevych, Apiwan

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