The Honest Games Project

A web-based educational tool for gamers and non-gamers alike to make informed purchases on the games we love.

Hand-Picked Reviews

The website will feature hand-picked reviews from some of the most popular games that have in-app purchases. These reviews will be solely focused on the monetization aspect of the game and if it pushes users to spend more money than planned. It will have a total score out of 10, with 10 showing that the game is honest about its monetization and provides users with all the information needed to make an informed choice about their purchase.

Mock-up of the homepage design.

Database of Deceptive Designs

The second major section of the website will contain a database of the deceptive design catalogued in video games. All of the tactics listed is sourced from academic research and will describe the design practice. In addition to a summary of the deceptive design, the site will also provide a real-world application of the design from across video games from Call of Duty to League of Legends.

Why does it matter?

Many gamers are unaware of the predatory designs in games that push for more time, money, and energy.

Loot boxes hurt people.

Loot boxes are “psychologically akin to gambling” and prime its users to form unhealthy gaming habits.

No age restrictions.

In-game purchases are allowed in any game, and it does not effect a the games mature rating.

Unaware Consumers.

Giving consumers the tools they need to make an informed choice.

About the creator.

Alex Reinhard is a Web Content Manger at the College of New Jersey, where he recently graduated with a degree in English and Interactive Multimedia. His Senior Thesis project, Honest Games, is designed to expose deceptive design in interactive media. It is part of his long term mission, to become a consumer advocate for video game players of all ages. While at TCNJ, he managed Lions Gaming, TCNJ’s esports club. Projects included running major events.  Alex loves all forms of digital media, with expertise in web design, writing and video editing.