Meet Game Design!

An interactive crash-course on Game Design Topics

Hi! My name’s Colin McLearie, and I designed this experience to show a unique and interactive way to teach people about Game Design topics. In the video, you will be able to navigate your way through a “choose-your-own-adventure” style experience, picking which Game Design topics you’d like to learn about. If a topic interests you, follow through its path a bit deeper to hear more about it/experience a demo. Not interested? Explore a different topic! The experience is open-ended, meaning that new paths can and will be developed in the future.


I’m a senior IMM major here at The College of New Jersey with experience in creative coding, animation, and video production. For my thesis, I’ve decided to focus more on my passion for producing video content while also throwing in a little flair of game development techniques as well. That’s how I decided on making my project an interactive YouTube experience! What’s my goal with this project? I wish to share a concept of online learning that feels fresh and innovative, while allowing for a user-controlled level of participation that allows people to learn what they want at their own pace.

“Meet Game Design!” Starting Point: