Pancake Chicken

A virtual pet chatbot by Connie Huang

About Pancake Chicken

Meet Pancake Chicken, the chatbot that serves as a delightful virtual pet!

Pancake Chicken is inspired from the Tamagotchi, except now you can talk to a pet chicken! It is meant to be interacted with through Discord, but there are plans for Pancake Chicken to be hosted on a website as well.

Changes Over Time

Initially it was planned to have a multiple separate instances of Pancake Chicken for each user, but then later on it was decided to make it into more of a community pet. It was also initially not intended to include machine learning, but now there are plans to work on it further.


"Pancake Chicken" is a small, text-based virtual pet chatbot in which players can take care of, interact, and talk to tiny creature companions. The game will initially be created as a text-based game that can be played through a bot on a social messaging platform called Discord. It will then be further developed to be available to play on a website.


My name is Connie Huang and I am a senior at TCNJ majoring in Interactive Multimedia and minoring in Information Systems & Technology. I enjoy coding, drawing, and animation. While still a full-time student, I participate in string ensembles as a violinist and work as a peer tutor at TCNJ.

To see more of my work related to coding, check out my GitHub.

Join the Discord Server to try out Pancake Chicken