My Profile

My name is David Kim. I am a Senior IMM Major. I am a private story writer. I write and draw for my private series Asian Irregulars on DeviantArt. Someday, I want to make 3D animation videos for my characters. I made some 3D animations for my characters in Maya. I posted them on Youtube.

I enjoy watching Dragon Ball, Marvel, and DC media. I really enjoy watching the show Agents of Shield. I am currently on Season 2.

Asian Irregulars

My series is about a group of young Asian Outcasts who are struggling to assimilate in a white dominant society


A young boy named Tory goes on a school trip for a science class. Then he walks into a lighthouse and falls into a portal that leads to a new faraway land. Tory ends up in a new world called Hongyeong. There he meets a group of Asian outcasts at a school. Together, they must face many challenges that involve Asian Discrimination in a pretensious white dominant society. They encounter many extraordinary wonders like giant exotic creatures and new innovative technology.

Tory and his group will embark on an adventure making many discoveries and learning many new lessons in this new world of Hongyeong. They will encounter many extraordinary creatures like giant insects, bipedal wolves, alligators, awesome birds, blue pawed otters, giant powerful reptiles, including big strong dinosaurs.


Tory and his friends must defend super creatures and Hongyeong from this evil organization called Team Oceanstorm. They strike and impose fear into others like a storm. They capture and brainwash super creatures into doing their bidding causing chaos onto others.


A preternatural is a person who achieved super powered after being exposed to a blue power crystal. They have unique powers like the power to shoot water, fire, electricity, the power to absorb metal attaining metal skin, and shooting solor energy.

Tory first achieved his powers after being exposed to a blue power crystal in a cave on his first trip to Hongyeong. He has the power to shoot water.

The Asian Irregulars spend their personal time together in this peaceful and innovative city Philicommuse city.

Philicommuse city

Philicommuse city is a community of artistic innovation. They work together making new and innovative solor powered technology for the future. The tall glass buildings have windows that are all solor panels. They have a giant glass luminescent globe that is solor powered by the waterfront. Philicommuse city in Hongyeong shows that humans always had the wisdom to make many brilliant things like every other invention on earth throughout history. What Tory will learn from his friends in this world is the importance and value of life. To make a stand and defend what is right.

Historical Points

My series will have some lore added into it detailing historical events involving Asian Racism. The image shown here shows Tory and Mike looking at a pop up book about the Opium wars. The war happened in 1839 to 1842 when the western travelers were smuggling opium into China in order to take their goods like porcelain, silk, and tea. Then the leaders found out about the corruption and started to fight the western ships. The westerners had more advanced weapons like the Nemesis that destroyed many Chinese wooden ships. Then many homes were destroyed and the Chinese people were tricked into slavery and transported to the west in horrific conditions.

More can be read about here in the link.

I recently drew my characters at a rare history musuem learning about the forgotten parts of WW1. They were looking into the Chinese Labor Corps and their forgotten role from WW1. They were the ones who dug most of the trenches. Many Chinese workers died while working for the British and the French in the front lines.

If you want to read more about my series. You can check out the links to my wix and DeviantArt page below.