Inner World


Donna Jung

Donna Jung is a multimedia content creator who is passionate about music and art.

She is currently graduating from The College of New Jersey in May 2021 with a BA in Interactive Multimedia with minors in Communications and Music Tech.

Her primary focuses are digital arts and music production, with an interest in audio/voice editing. She loves to use Photoshop and Illustrator to make advertisements/designs as well as audio editing and producing music in DAWs like Logic X Pro and Avid.

Reach me at:




How have you been handling the pandemic?

Were you happy, sad, frustrated, or feeling something else? 

I have felt all of these feelings and I processed my emotions through my senior thesis called Inner World.

“Inner World”

Inner World reflects the feelings/emotions I have felt over the last year, mid-2020 to 2021. This project consists of three demos each representing a different period of time in my line: Blue, Drowning, and -L-o-v-e-.

“Happiness; the adrenaline for the soul.”– J.W


This song was written during the time where I was able to get happiness through the littlest things like going out and meeting friends I haven’t seen in a while precautiously, going on walks, or going outside feeling the sun. It was the feeling of happiness and joy that I felt to inspire me to make a resilient song. I realized that even through the darkest of times, the sun is always shining.

“I always enjoy the night, but I also fear the night. “ - Donna Jung


This song was written during a hard time when all I did was think deep thoughts once the sky went dark. The pandemic has struggled with my mental state of mind/being; I would feel emotionally drained and sad for many nights. Usually, the night would be a time I would look forward to and tune into myself, but sometimes I would tune in too far as if the night was slowly taking me away and I sinking into it.

“Love won’t shine unless we unify” - J.W


This song came from a special and raw place. This was written during the time that I felt the world was against specific individuals including myself. Many people have been disrespecting one another for no valid reasons and I couldn’t understand/process behind this all. Due to the recent hate crimes that have been surfacing, I felt it was only necessary for me to address a song to these matters.

My Process/Challenges

Throughout the making of this project, I came across many obstacles that I had to overcome. The first major one was the pandemic. Staying at home every day was tiring and exhausting. As I mentioned before it took a toll on me mentally and sometimes it was hard to overcome it. I would lose motivation and be out of energy to work. However, I was able to process all those negativity through my music.

The second obstacle I faced was consistency. I had a hard time standing my ground. There were times where I believed that I was doing well and I was on the right path, but there were other times where I believed that my work wasn’t great. I kept self-doubting myself leading to me starting over and trying to make something new, never sticking to something. In the end, I was able to finalize my three songs but I wouldn’t be satisfied with how I was producing it, what instruments I used, or how it was sounding. That’s when I decided that instead of having three songs I believe will be finalized, I will make three demos because I knew in the end I will never be satisfied with the end result.
The third obstacle I had to face was trying to write a song. Although I had experience in mixing and making lyrical melodies, I never produce songs before. This was the first time where I was going to test my skills and push my limits. I didn’t know where to start or how to go about this project. There were a lot of trials and errors to this but I found a way that worked with my style.

The last obstacle I came across was my home studio. Working at home can be challenging, especially due to the pandemic. I was limited in my supplies and limited on what I can do. It would have been better if I was able to play guitar or play the instruments I used to get the live aspect into my songs, but that can be my next summer goal. I had to work with what I had and produce it to my best of my ability. It would have been nice to be at school and use the recording studio or have Mark help me, but through this process, I have obtained new skills I can use to my advantage.

All around this project was challenging and frustrating at times, but it helped me grow as a person and learn from this experience.

You can check out my project Inner World on Soundcloud starting May 14th in the link below :)

Thank you and I hope you enjoy!!