
Giant Gorilla is an improv storytelling card game. Players receive randomly drawn cards from two categories, "Event" and "Setting." They are tasked with writing a story utilizing those cards, and have 2 minutes to develop their story. Once the time’s up, players then take turns sharing their stories, and the judge votes on their favorite.

The game is meant for anyone to pick up and understand quickly, but is geared towards anyone who can think on their feet and come up with creative answers with the hand they are dealt.

The Basics

  1. All Players draw one card from both the “Setting” and “Event” piles, they are NOT allowed to look at their cards yet.

  2. The Judge takes 3 cards from either pile (they can take 2 from setting and 1 from event, all 3 from event, etc.). The Judge can look at their cards right away.

  3. The Judge flips the sand timer, starting the time.

  4. Once the timer begins, the players can now look at their cards, they need to outline a story that uses the two cards they drew

    1. If they don’t like their combination, they are allowed to switch ONE of their two cards out for the next one in the pile during the first minute

    2. Players can do whatever they want with their time. Whether they write out their story on paper, try to mentally plan out their story, or do anything else!

Some cards players may draw from the piles

The back designs of the cards

The physically printed box

The full rule sheet that comes with the box.


Physical Production

  • In addition to designing the game, I physically produced the cards, box, and parts of the game!

  • Each copy of the game comes with…

    • 30 unique cards for both categories

    • 8 “Banana Tokens” used to track score between rounds

    • 1 sand timer that goes for 1 minute

    • 1 concise rule sheet

Hello! I’m Eli Gemeinhardt, I’m a senior studying Interactive Multimedia specializing in Game Design, and minoring in Graphic Design. I love to explore my interests in these fields, and I’m passionate about creating things that others can appreciate and enjoy!

Brief Intro on Me

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Email me at eli.gemeinhardt@gmail.com