The Meta-Review

A compilation of game reviews, articles and commentary by Evan Vallecilla

About Me

Hi! I’m Evan, and this is the site for my thesis: “The Meta-Review.” This’ll just tell you some general info, and a link to all my articles + work will be found in the project description below. For now, here’s some general info about me.
I came to this college thinking I wanted to make games, but it just so happened that I didn’t quite enjoy doing that. With some deliberation, I decided to go the route of reviewing games, since it plays on my two strengths: writing and playing. I’ve been working avidly on building up some credibility by creating my thesis through Medium, where I’ve published a number of articles.

Thesis Overview

My thesis consists of articles that I’ve been writing over the course of the past couple months. All of them are published and publicly available on Medium. The Meta-Review, the culmination of my research through these reviews, and I really enjoyed writing it out. If you’d like to view my work, you can use the button to see the page. Thanks for stopping by!
Contact Info:
Twitter: @unconq.ev