Creating a more inclusive and equitable world with responsible AI practices with Constitute Technology

About Me

Hello visitors! My name is Faith Lauryn Christian and in completion of my Bachelor of Arts degree in Interactive Multimedia from The College of New Jersey this Spring, I am excited to embark on the next phase of my academic journey by pursuing a degree in Public Policy in graduate school. As the Founder and President of the “Girls Who Code” College Loop chapter, I am passionate about empowering young women to pursue careers in coding, science, engineering, and math on an international scale.

My dedication to community service and leadership has earned me numerous accolades. Recently, The College of New Jersey honored me and “Girls Who Code” with the “Best New Organization of the Year 2022” award. As a Bonner Scholar, I serve as a Site Leader for the Environmental Sustainability Council and volunteer 300 hours annually with The Bonner Community Foundation. I am also the Chapter President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the Director of Professional Development for Kappa Theta Pi (KTP), a member of the United Greek Council, and a mentor for the Pride Mentoring Program (PMP) at The College of New Jersey.

Throughout my academic career, I have maintained a spot on the Dean's list and have been a member of the National Honor Society since 2018. This summer, I participated in Mentored Undergraduate Summer Research (MUSE) and completed an internship with the Bonner Foundation. Additionally, I have traveled internationally to advocate for the political rights of the Maori people in New Zealand, encouraged youth and donated school supplies in Jamaica, and organized relief for Haiti after the earthquakes.

My commitment to education has led me to participate in various programs such as Cornell University's “Leadership and Teams in Action” immersion program, Rutgers University Business School's Supply Chain Management program, the NJIT Upward Bound program, and the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship program (NFTE). With my passion for community service and education, I am excited to pursue a career in Public Interest Technology, which uses technology to address social and civic challenges to benefit society as a whole.

I am proud to have been accepted to several universities and awarded scholarships to attend their master's programs in public policy, as I continue to pursue my passion for making a positive impact in my community and beyond.

Contact Information

About my project…

Constitute Technology is about applying AI technology expertise for the betterment of society. But this is easier said than done. Who is doing this?

I have identified six woman pioneers who have used technology to promote public good — specifically making a difference in terms of ethical, legal, policy, and societal gains.

Constitute Technology prioritizes the welfare of society over individual or corporate gain, and seeks to create a better future for us all.

Issue Areas

Bias and Discrimination

AI systems can reflect the biases of their creators or the data they are trained on, leading to unfair treatment of certain groups or individuals.

Lack of Transparency

Job Displacement

Many AI systems are considered black boxes, meaning that their decision-making processes are opaque and difficult to understand, making it hard to identify and correct errors or biases.

The rise of AI-powered automation is expected to lead to the displacement of many jobs, particularly those that involve routine or repetitive tasks.

The use of AI technology can raise concerns about data privacy and security, particularly if the technology is used to collect and analyze personal information.

The use of AI technology raises a number of ethical concerns, such as the potential for AI systems to be used for surveillance or military purposes, or the potential for AI to be used to manipulate people's thoughts and behavior.

Privacy and Security

Ethical Implications

Leaders in the Field

  • Meredith Broussard

    Professor, Author, Data Journalist

  • Joy Buolamwini

    Poet of code, daughter of art and science

  • Timnit Gebru

    Computer scientist

  • Ruha Benjamin


  • Cathy O'Neil


  • Arati Prabhakar

    Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Science Advisor to President Biden, Engineer


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