Plusquam Gladiatorem

(More than a Gladiator)

Giovanna Gallina

Plusquam Gladiatorem

(More than a Gladiator)

Cyprius is a gladiator. Forced to fight in the ring for many years, he has become tired and aged. Cyprius remembers a time when he was more than just a gladiator. He had a life outside the ring. He had a family. Now his hour has come. He has escaped the ring, and you must help him in the search for his lost family.

Giovanna Gallina

I have a passion for animation, game design, and the arts. Since high school, I have had experience with various art and animation softwares, such as Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, and Adobe After Effects.

My goal for my career work is to use my artistic, game design, and animation skills to create something meaningful. I want to create something that has an impact on people, and that will change their lives.

Project Concept and Process

For my project, I used Autodesk Maya, Unity, and Logic Pro. This project is one of the first 3D games I have created. My character, Cyprius, was modeled in an older 3D animation style, giving him a more retro look. I plan to use this project as a launchpad to enter into the retro gaming industry. I want to evoke a sense of nostalgia and inspiration in those who grew up playing games from the 1990s and early 2000s.

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