
By: Greg Wong

Before every big moment, we all have our own routines to calm the nerves.

  • Do you sneakily slip your lucky socks on underneath your uniform?

  • Do you mutter the same pumped up mantra on the drive over?

  • Do you vigilantly listen to the exact same throwback pump-up playlist, perfectly timed to end right as you arrive?

  • Do you arrive hours before teammates to have total quiet while visualizing every chess move, card play, shot, or trick you intend to unleash?

So What?

By highlighting the prevalence of these practices, from well-known examples like LeBron James' chalk toss to lesser-known rituals from other backgrounds, Ritualize emphasizes the universal human tendency to engage in such behaviors. Specifically, this suggests how rituals serve important psychological and social functions, making them a fascinating lens through which to understand human nature.

By utilizing academic research in tandem with accessible narratives and practical advice, Ritualize offers valuable insights into how these practices influence human behavior and well-being. This evidence-based approach not only satisfies curiosity but also provides readers with actionable knowledge they can apply to their own lives. Understanding the science behind rituals can help individuals make informed decisions about which practices to adopt or abandon, potentially enhancing their performance, resilience, and overall sense of control.

Sample Topics (AI-Generated Visuals for Conceptual Visualization)

  • Lebron James Iconic Chalk Toss

    LeBron James' iconic chalk toss has become a signature part of his pregame routine since he entered the NBA in 2003. Before tip-off, LeBron throws chalk powder into the air to get himself hyped up for the game. The act has taken on greater meaning over time, symbolizing LeBron overcoming adversity and coming through in clutch moments. The visual of LeBron tossing up chalk as the crowd cheers has made it one of the most recognizable rituals in basketball. Many other players have adopted their own version of the chalk toss to pay homage, speaking to its influence in basketball culture. For LeBron, it remains a personal tradition that connects back to his beginnings while allowing him to lock in before striving for greatness on the court.

  • Tiger Woods and his Iconic Red Shirt

    Tiger Woods’ signature red shirt on Sundays has become an iconic tradition in golf. He first started wearing red during the final rounds of tournaments when he turned professional in 1996, inspired by his mother Kultida, who thought red was his “power color” as a Capricorn. Woods credits this fashion choice to his mother and began wearing it as a junior golfer whenever he competed. The bold color brought good fortune, as Woods exploded onto the professional scene earning victories when decked out in red on Sundays. As he piled up major championship wins, the sight of Woods in red came to symbolize his dominance and closing abilities while intimidating opponents. The red shirt has become a recognizable piece of golf history, forever linked to Tiger's record-setting career and competitive spirit. For Woods and golf fans, red represents power, confidence, and finishing strong.

  • Lunar New Year and its many unspoken rules

    Lunar New Year is steeped in traditions and superstitions that have been passed down for centuries to usher in good luck and prosperity. Homes undergo a thorough spring cleaning before the new year, including washing the corridor of the main door on New Year's Eve, to sweep away any lingering bad luck. Haircuts and trimming nails are also done beforehand, as these activities are avoided during the 15-day New Year period to prevent sweeping or cutting away one's incoming fortune. Wearing brand new clothes, shoes, undergarments and using new towels, bedsheets, and even toothbrushes for at least the first couple days represents surrounding oneself with renewed vigor. Any dirty laundry must be cleaned as well to start fresh. Red is the luckiest color, so red lanterns, red envelopes and decorations are ubiquitous to attract happiness and wealth. These superstitions have become ingrained in Chinese culture over time as a means of ushering in prosperity and blessing the year ahead. Though their origins are hard to pinpoint, they remain deeply rooted Chinese traditions observed by millions each Lunar New Year.

About The Project


About The Project 〰️

Pregame superstitions reveal the ultimate truth - under pressure, we are all wonderfully strange creatures. Ritualize is an exhilarating new interactive website lifting the veil on those captivating and quirky routines that emerge without fail as game time nears. At Ritualize, explore first-hand accounts of rituals that fueled iconic moments throughout sports history, and unpack the psychologies of top athletes. Have your own pregame tradition you just have to share? Describe the intricacies of your routine and connect with fellow enthusiasts who celebrate the thrill and rare sense of control these rituals represent. After all, who doesn’t sneakily slip on a lucky sock sometimes? We can’t wait for you to join Ritualize, where fans and competitors come together to revel in the captivating shared quirk of pregame glory!

About Me


About Me 〰️

Keep up with me and the project!

Hello! My name is Greg Wong and I’m a senior IMM major with a minor in marketing. On campus, I’m involved in as the VP for the Chinese Students Association as well as Lions Gaming Overwatch A-Team Captain. Outside of TCNJ, I’ve recently got into lifting and have been a longstanding Overwatch addict. Feel free to connect with me, I love to meet new people!

Thank You!


Thank You! 〰️