Tech Tips for Teachers

By: Jenna Arimenta

Six Ways to Incorporate Technology into Your Classroom Everyday

About me

My name is Jenna Arimenta, and I am currently a senior Design and Creative Technology major with a double minor in both Business Marketing, and Business Management. Over the past two years, my love for coaching has grown immensely. Coaching volleyball at my old high school as well as the club I played for growing up has brought me close into the new world of technology and seeing how kids of all ages (K-12) interact with technology both inside the classroom and out. Due to my interest in understanding how schools are adapting to the constant changes in educational technology, my thesis topic came to be.

My Project

My thesis project is an educational video for teachers to help find the perfect balance of using technology in the classroom. Often times there are misconceptions about technology in today’s society and my goal is to help teachers who may not be as in-tune realize the beauty behind it. Due to COVID-19 and the rapid increase in technological usage all over the world, this idea of creating a healthy relationship with technology especially for children due to the vast exposure of social media, is so important. My goal is to develop a video for teachers to give them interesting tips to create a more enjoyable atmosphere for their students through the use of technology. These tips will help educators express insight on all the positives of technology as well as be able to give teachers an easier way to relate and help these adolescents find their technological balance.

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world”

David Warlick

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