
Jordan Bradley

Jordan Bradley is an artist, animator, programmer, and game designer. In his time at TCNJ he has worked on multiple projects, including small scale games and digital art. As an Interactive Multimedia Major, he has mastered a variety of art and design tools, and has experience in coding and game development. Video games are a source of great passion for him and his love for quality interactive design inspires his work.





What is Yet Another World

At its core, Yet Another World is a 2D beat’em up game about capturing the feel of retro-styled games such as Double Dragon and Streets of Rage, while still feeling new and refreshing.

Developed in Unity, the game uses a belt-scroll styled camera for the side-scrolling gameplay that locks the camera on the screen even as you are able to navigate vertically while remaining on a flat plain. You find yourself faced with a variety of enemies as you try to complete each level.

Art and Designs

A look into one of the levels of Yet Another World, as well as a screenshot from an earlier version.

A look into one of the levels of Yet Another World, as well as a screenshot from an earlier version.

Working on the game is a unique challenge. The majority of the time so far has been spent in securing assets and building and rebuilding the levels. The level shown above is an earlier one that no longer exists in the game, alongside an outdated UI (user interface) that was built to showcase how a cut-scene might look in game.

Here’s how I think of space when developing a level. It all starts somewhere.

Here’s how I think of space when developing a level. It all starts somewhere.


Here’s some animation work of an idle stance for the player character.

The amount of frames that goes into something like this can be a bit much, and I’d still say this is a rough design.


Walk-Cycle for the 1st Playable Character

As I got better with the animation, things ended up looking smoother, and I was able to work more efficiently.


Run-Cycle for the 1st Playable Character

I used a method where I cut down the frames to create an animation quicker.