Charity Check

Learn how much you’ve made a difference.


About the Project

If you’ve ever made a monetary donation, it is often the case that you rarely get the chance to know where that donation goes. Charitable foundations , by requirement, offer full transparency of their total expenses and fund allocations,. However, they do not always actively reflect to donors the changes made through these benefactions.

Charity Check is a website that displays live data and statistics on charity donations intended to illustrate the impact of these organizations. This tool will show you where you’re contributing and how your efforts are helping non-profits meet their goals.


Tools and Development Process

  • Adobe XD: Designed prototypes and mockups of the overall layout and functionality of the website

  • HTML & CSS: Developed responsive and interactive webpages

  • PHP: Created and implemented databases based on statistical data and research on charities

 Whether its to help reconstruct a community halfway across the world, or to fund you local food back, you can see just how much you’ve made a difference


Katrina Gutierrez

Katrina Gutierrez is an aspiring User Interface/Experience Designer with BA in Arts for Interactive Multimedia. She is a passionate creative with a background in graphic design, digital art, and programming.