Better Days Apparel

A Clothing Brand Built Around Mental Health Awareness. To help spread the message for those who need the reminder to keep pushing. No one should feel alone, everyone has their own struggles. Whats important is that you keep pushing and keep showing up. Keep moving towards Better Days!

My Mission

The whole goal of Better Days is to give people the opportunity to spread a message. It’s not easy to talk about your struggles but it does help to connect with others. By wearing the Better Days clothing you can spread a positive message, (without needing to talk) and show others that they are not alone. Your mental health matters!

About Me

I’m a senior student in IMM at TCNJ. I love graphic design, photo, and video, and I hope to launch a clothing company in the near future. After struggling through my own mental battles I hoped to create a brand to spread mental health awareness and inspire people to keep pushing through. To keep moving towards Better Days!