Kyle Ackerman’s Game Showcase

Kyle is currently a TCNJ IMM Senior, formerly a Computer Engineering Major at TCNJ, whose focus is in Game Programming and Game Design. He has experience in C++, Java, and Python, with more experience with C# that is used in the Unity and Unreal Engines, which he learned at his time at TCNJ.

This Thesis Project is a showcase of 3 games made by Kyle Ackerman throughout his time in thesis that he designed and programmed in the Unity and Unreal Engines. These games will be in a portfolio to show to future employers on what I’ve done.

Balls O Destruction

This is an obstacle course game where you get a reward to stop the timer. See if you can get the best time!

Bazooka Man

The ghosts are trying to kill the man that bazookaed them to the afterlife. Kill them in a nonstop challenge!

Project Sunset

You have been trapped in the lair of the Orc Boss while trying to rummage through his things. Defeat him and his minions and escape the lair!

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