Neil Marzano

A Journey in Self-Promotion

Neil Marzano - A Journey In self-promotion


or at least 6 years, I have worked as a contributor to the success of my hometown media company, started from high school with a few of my friends. As we go into big projects such as Fashion week, documentary films and commercials, I’d like to have a way to promote myself as an individual creator, rather than just promoting my company. I need to put a name to my face, and connect with potential clients myself.

I’ve always just worked behind the scenes in my company, like stage hand to a large scale theater production. I’m a very important stage hand. I’d consider myself a main cog in the wheel of 18 Mile Media, and one of the key players that keeps the ball rolling. I’ve gone out all on my own to film weddings, videos for pace university, and commercials for local businesses, but all for the sake of growing our company. However, I did initiate a few projects myself including a Taco truck commercial, a couple weddings/photo sessions, and most importantly my video on Locust Hill cemetery. These projects made my job feel special, because I had a personal connection to the project and I wasn’t just a cinematographer, or an editor. I’d like to keep that special feeling alive by posting work I’ve done solo along with my contributions to 18 Miles.

The main goal of this project is to turn myself from nobody to somebody. From a faceless brand ambassador, to the other face of the company. As of right now, my coworker Jimmy and I work in the shadow of our “boss” Connor. I would like him to join me on this journey and follow a similar path to promoting himself as I do. This includes following steps that Connor and other leaders in our field have done before us, Using all of our future gigs as networking opportunities, and working out the nuts and bolts of good PR and promotion.

Solo Projects

18 Mile Media Projects


The goal of my project is to have something to show for people who ask me what I do for a living. This will include an instagram account with consistent uploads, new business cards, a compilation of all my best work in a 1-2 minute reel video, and of course a new outlook on my future career. By the same time that I am writing this next year, I will be out in the real world looking for gigs, and pursuing new potential clients to keep the bills paid. This is perhaps the most important step in my career. I have been off to a great start, but if I don’t start promoting myself now, I will remain stagnant and slowly lose the confidence that made me pursue film in the first place. I get a lot of enjoyment from tackling new projects, but what I am missing is the gratification of people noticing the work I do. For this project I am mainly referencing the book Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon. This read will help me get over the main obstacle : my mentality. Behind the social media accounts and promotional material, I feel that my main struggle will be changing the way that I think about self-promotion.







