
A Thesis Project by Ma’Sum Abdul-Wadud

The Idea

MajorMatch is a survey-based application designed to help users — whether they are incoming freshman or current college students — discover potential majors. Users will answer a series of carefully curated questions related to their interests, preference and career goals. Based on their answers, MajorMatch will suggest a major and program that will closely align with the user’s responses. The goal is to provide personalized major recommendations tailored to each user’s unique interests and aspirations. Currently, areas of study within Design & Creative Technology are the focus of the current prototyping stage.

View The Prototype

Currently, the app is deployed on a free Netlify server for prototyping. View it here

About Me

My name is Ma’Sum Abdul-Wadud. I am a Senior at The College of New Jersey majoring in Design & Creative Technology and minoring in Computer Science. I have a deep passion for technology, including web and app development. My goal is to use my technological knowledge for a good cause and reinvest into my communities.