Tiempo Bien Y Mal

A Three song Concept Album about

Time, the good, and the bad

By Michael Cordon Diaz

Michael Cordon Diaz

He is a Guatemalan-American who grew up listening to music from different Latin American cultures as well as his own, eventually developing a fascination and love for music, especially for music with rhythm. He has developed his musicianship for various instruments such as violin, guitar, and piano. As well as absorbing the knowledge needed for music production during his time spent at The College Of New Jersey.

An Interactive Multimedia Major with a Minor in Music Technology.

Why a Concept Album?

Creating an album or a singular song that is not only in tune, in time, and that can be heard as intended on any device is not an easy task for just one person to accomplish. In order to create a song that is up to par with the music industry today, there are a number of processes that have to be done. A song has to be arranged, edited, mixed, and then mastered in order to achieve a professional quality in the world of modern day streaming. A huge record label may have these steps done by separate people, however I wanted to prove to myself that I could accomplish all of these processes in order to have full control of my own music.


The first song of the album, the inspiration for this song was the timeless feeling of falling asleep or waking up,


.The literal translation meaning “Bad”, the inspiration being that somethings that seem “bad” in the moment are actually the reason something good happens later on.



“Good”, this song is about remembering and experiencing the good times.

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