An interactive prototype experience designed by Michael Zajacz

An introduction.

Welcome, take a seat. Watch this brief video to familiarize yourself.

A new take on a familiar format

Abernalia is the latest entry into the vast catalogue of narrative driven, turn-based roleplaying games.

What sets it apart is what will make you fall in love with it.

Unlike typical RPGs where progression is based behind levelling up or roll of the dice, Abernalia rewards the player for playing the game the way they want to. To this end, Abernalia introduces the affinity system.


To give players control over the narrative, Abernalia has implemented a unique system of inter-character relationships.

This system serves to make the characters more than just pictures on a screen. Each relationship reveals new dialogue, new cutscenes, and new story branches for the player to discover.

Most importantly, however, is that character relationships directly correlate to performance on the battlefield.

Two Characters, Five Possibilities

Each pair of characters are open to an affinity modifier, one of five possible relationship states.

  • NEMESES - These characters are sworn enemies, and always looking to put each other down. Every good deed is laced with an agenda, and every wrongdoing is just par for the course.

  • RIVALS - Some people just don’t get along. Some people can only tolerate so much. These characters just barely put up with one another, but tend to vent their frustrations through “friendly” competition

  • ACQUAINTANCES - Maybe they just met. Maybe they’ve been around a while, but never hit it off. These characters are indifferent to one another. Strangers, even. Just another face in the crowd.

  • FRIENDS - A few good laughs, a few shared interests. Something sparked between these two characters, and they can often be seen conversing with one another. A healthy dynamic.

  • LOVERS - A daring escape, an act of selflessness, one too many bad one-liners. Whatever it may be, these two characters have found something special between them. They will take a bullet for each other, both figuratively and literally.

A unique world, forged from unique components.

About the Author

Portrait of Michael Zajacz with Abernalia open in the background

Michael Zajacz


Game Design student at The College Of New Jersey

I’ve been passionate about making games ever since the first step I took out of high school. I’ve been given the opportunity to prove myself, so I’m taking it and developing a passion project of mine into a real, playable experience.
— Michael


With support from…

@AnarchyBean & @MarigoldSheep, two independent artists and close friends who have helped me bring my visions and designs to life. Who without, this project would not be possible.

Hi, I’m Michael a senior at The College of New Jersey working singlehandedly on the Abernalia experience. Proficient in 3D, 2D, Animation and narrative storytelling, I am putting my all into developing a memorable and unique experience for everyone who shows interest. To this end, I’ve taken up learning C# from scratch to make Abernalia more flexible and approachable for everyone rather than relying on a pre-made game maker package. My hopes are that by demonstrating what I can do in the present, I lay a strong foundation for professional work in future. If you’re interested in seeing how this project comes together, or what the future holds beyond the scope of TCNJ, check out the Discord where I post regular updates!
