Trenton @ TCNJ is an interview- video based project that captures stories of Trentonians at Trenton State College and The College of New Jersey. The selected interviewers will be recollecting their time at the institution and can talk about topics ranging from diversity, advocacy, service, and accountability.



As a Trentonian @ TCNJ I feel:






This project is meant for those who feel the same. We are Trenton. We are Here. These are your stories.

Nelly’s Story

My Story

About the Artist

Nelly Sanchez is creator and community leader based in Trenton, New Jersey. She is a senior pursuing a degree in interactive multimedia with a minor in communications at The College of New Jersey. In addition to her art pursuits, Nelly works as a specialist at Apple and is hoping to transition to a career in art administration, where she can continue to use her creativity and passion to positively impact her community. You can check out her portfolio here.

Ceasar’s Story

It takes a village for Trenton to make
— Cesar Gonzalez, Class of 2023

Bailei’s Story