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Russell Tran

Senior Interactive Multimedia major with a Business Marketing minor. Hoping to join the design field after graduating college. He hopes to improve his technical and design skills through veterans in the field to learn more about digital design.


Russell’s Gallery

Phones are taking over our lives more and more every day. Our lives revolve around the little device that can fit in your pocket and is as powerful as a computer. Russell wanted to bring that experience of showing his portfolio images on a phone instead of through a bulky computer. Using a variety of design applications, Russell was able to bring that experience to the viewers. Using Xcode, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketch it made the project possible. Russell hoped on creating a virtual gallery for his viewers. He wanted to showcase his creations through a simulated phone that others were able to view from the comfort of their homes. He believed that the creations that he has made throughout the years are special and unique. That it was something that he could call his own.

What does Xcode Look Like?

Quick Preview of One of My Most Prized Pieces!


The creation above was one of Russell’s first digital design pieces. Created with Adobe Photoshop, he spent numerous hours fixing and messing with different aspects of the images. Surprisingly, you might not be able to guess what the white circular border of the road is. It is the bottom of a toilet bowl! That is right you did not read it wrong. It was a creation that he thought was unique enough to show the audience. As his first every portfolio image that was publicly shown to everyone and anyone, he is proud that this piece above is one of his best.