The American Dream


Tanatswa Gawe

Tanatswa Gawe is a 4th year student athlete studying Interactive Multimedia at The College of New Jersey. He is presumed to graduate May 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts. He is aspiring to be a web developer with a specialty in UI design; Tanatswa has acquired a a lot of skills ranging from coding languages to interaction design and visual communication. He is able to build and maintain websites with his experience in coding languages such as: HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Java, and Ruby. He also wants to implement into the visual design aspect of creating the look for the websites. In his 4 years studying Interactive Multimedia he has acquired skills in animation and graphic design that allow him to be a good UI designer.


The American Dream

For my senior project, I have decided to portray what it's like to be an immigrant in America. The project is a video that depicts the adventures and obstacles that I have faced as an immigrant. The video is going to be a video blog of my life and personal experiences. I will also be interviewing other immigrants about their own journeys and experiences living as an immigrant in America. Along with the video, I will be making a website that highlights the stories of different immigrants and their experiences as an immigrant in America.

My Process

The story focused mainly on my journey to America and my first 2 years in this country. Now let us fast forward 10 years later towards the end of my last semester of college, with 2 weeks left. I shared that story because it was significant to my senior thesis on “The Immigrant Story” as I further tell my story on being an Immigrant in America. The project is a video going through the adventures I had in America so far as I explain my journey in this country. I also interviewed other immigrants to hear their “Immigration Story” and how they have managed throughout this years