A Competitive, Elimination-Style Party Game
Project by Tyler Getz & Michael Paolella

I am Tyler Getz, a senior Interactive Multimedia major with a minor in Graphic Design. Throughout my time at TCNJ, I have studied several different areas of interest such as Game Design, Music Technology, and Product Branding. I would love to be able to apply any or all of these to a career, and have worked to combine as many of both my career and personal interests as possible for my Senior Thesis project.


Project Summary

My thesis project is titled Banished, a board game created in partnership with Michael Paolella. Banished is a party game inspired by concepts that appear in reality competition shows like Survivor and Big Brother, in which players must compete for safety, experience unexpected twists, and ultimately vote each other out of the game until only one player remains. My goal for my thesis project was to come up with an idea that would combine some of my IMM skills with my Graphic Design skills, as well as incorporate some of my personal, career-unrelated interests. I have always had a love and appreciation for competitive reality shows that focus on putting people’s physical, strategic, and social abilities to the test, and I’ve always wished there was a fun, smaller scale version of this to play at home with family and friends. However, whether you’re a huge fan of shows like this, or you’ve never watched one in your life, a game like this can appeal to just about any group of family or friends that is looking to have a super competitive and dramatic game night!