“ a game concept by anne caridi “


vessel is a work in progress game concept with a heavy focus on exploration and narrative. vessel focus a lot around choices and their consequences and your relationships with. for my thesis, I mainly focused on making the graphics & assets for this game.


sigil, through unknown means, has forgotten everything about their past. unluckily for them, the villagers do remember them and all have different reasons to hate them. perhaps the only thing going for the player character is the town's folk believe the abandoned temple they live in is cursed so they won't step foot in there. so, at least they wouldn't be chased out of town... yet.

surrounding the village is an ancient dangerous forest aptly named the great forest. only the bravest, or stupidest, people dare to venture past a few feet. in the player's case, the rare resources that lie in its depths are the only way they can earn money or favor with the villagers. but deeper than that, sigil has a feeling the secrets to their past lie in the forest’s heart.


hello! I’m anne caridi a digital artist and designer. I’m best described as a jack of a trades, I love learning new skills and am I always trying new things. I also enjoy storytelling, learning new skills, nature, & exploration. feel free to give my instagram a follow if you want to see updates on Vessel!